Harton Benefice

Welcome to our ten village churches.

We look forward to meeting you.

Summer 2011

Sand Hutton & Whitwell Group of Parishes




The Circular







Summer edition 2011


May     June    July


Sand Hutton     Claxton     Flaxton

Gate Helmsley     Upper Helmsley     Bossall

Buttercrambe     Howsham    Harton

Whitwell on the Hill     Crambe     Foston

Barton Le Willows     Thornton Le Clay











Note from the editor:Due to an oversight the following items were omitted from the Summer edition of The Circular, for which profound apologies. Every effort will be made to get it right next time!




On Monday morning of each week there is a short service of

Morning Prayer at 8.30 a.m.

The venue alternates between Bossall and Sand Hutton. It is a good way to start the week, and is open to anyone who would like to come along for a quiet service.

Sand Hutton  May 9th  then every other week

Bossall May 16th then every other week




The BeneficeStudy Group


The meetings for the coming quarter will all be

at The Vicarage 7.30pm and the dates are:

Tuesday 24th May

Tuesday 14th June

Tuesday 5th July


Details from Ivan 01904 468844







A small group has been set up in the Benefice to look at developing work with Children. This will be not just on Sundays and at services, but also during holidays and special festivals.

If anyone would like to help with this then do have a word with Ivan, 01904 468844




These were taken to the Bell Foundry in Whitechapel London during February. An inspection of the bells showed they were restorable – at a price! This work will be put in hand and we look to increasing the number of bells to give a good set for tune ringing. Grateful thanks to those who have offered financial help thus far. A bell costs in the region of £250. These can be inscribed in memory of someone if desired. Details from Ivan.

Anyone able to give anything toward the cost of restoring the original bells and toward the new bells would be most welcome. Speak to Ivan at the Vicarage. 01904 468844




A crisis occurred at Whitwell when the annual meeting had to be suspended due to insufficient attendance. An informal consultation followed with members of the village, this was followed by a formal consultation with the Archdeacon, Diocesan representatives, Church Commissioners representative and Ryedale Council Representative.

The meeting explored the options available including closure and future of the building, becoming part of a neighbouring parish and finding ways to keep it open, perhaps with additional community uses.

As a result a further meeting will be held with members of the Church electoral roll to resolve how to take things forward. Watch this space.




A Journey with a spiritual focus – so I said earlier on in the Circular! One of the main places of Pilgrimage for people of faith is Jerusalem. Jew Muslim and Christian all feel a ‘call’ to make a trip to the Holy City and experience its unique atmosphere and its deep religious history and meaning.

Having made four previous visits, one as a tour leader, I am arranging for an 11 day Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy land for next year 2012. The tour will take in: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho and the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley, Galilee, the Golan Heights, Mount Hermon, Nazareth as well as the Mediterranean coast. That is not an exhaustive list, but gives a hint of the areas covered.

I hope to take a group of people from within the Circular Area, so if you are free 8th to 18th October 2012 and would love to visit the Holy Land then give me a call or e mail for a brochure. Many thanks

Ivan  01904 468844             ivan.howitt@btinternet.com



News from Sand Hutton School……………………

The cold weather and resultant flood which greeted us in the New Year seem a long way off after a wonderful spring term full of energy and excitement at Sand Hutton. It is hard to believe that the flooded classroom and extensive damage could so quickly have been repaired.  The school was soon up and running thanks to the hard team work of the staff.

Visits out to interesting places along with visitors into school are central to the life and work of our school. Class 2 have loved discovering about life in Egyptian Times and had a fabulous day at a museum workshop in Harrogate when mummies were prepared. Not content with that, they now have a new member of the class - Sid, a model patient who demonstrates all too plainly what happens during the mummification process!

Class 3 were electrified by their visit to Drax Power Station, returning to school with such enthusiasm and detailed knowledge of the processes they had witnessed. They were equally eager about their visit to study the journey of a stream which then flows into the Derwent. This was a joint visit with our partner school at Warthill, blessed with good weather; it clearly demonstrated the enjoyment to be had from learning alongside our friends in the great outdoors.

Warthill were also able to join us for a Valentines I LOVE MATHS day when through song, movement and games we had great fun with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, a Valentines Day to remember.

It has been a time when we have been asked to fill in census forms to assist with future planning of services. At Sand Hutton we are no different in that we look ahead and plan for the future of the school through ascertaining as far as possible the number of children who will be attending the school in future years. Our catchment area, as governed by NYCC is wide, serving the villages of Sand Hutton, Flaxton, Claxton, Harton, Bossall, Gate Helmsley, Upper Helmsley and Buttercrambe although we do have children from further afield. Please let us know if you have children who are due to start school in the next four years, children can be admitted to school in the September after their fourth birthday.  We have pre school sessions every Thursday afternoon when parents and children are very welcome to visit us.


Our children have once again been very generous organising a fun fundraising event for charity. On Red Nose Day the children had a talent show and bun sale and raised £110.00.  Lily, Venetia and Anna also had a sponsored silence and managed to raise the magnificent sum of £122.00, well done girls.  They and us would like to thank everyone who sponsored them. 





For information on services in the Churches between Circulars

you can access the following website:


Services for the Sand Hutton and Whitwell Benefices

















May 2011

Sunday 1st May                                              Easter 2

10.30                   Benefice Eucharist                                   Gate Helmsley

Wed 4th May – 10am Holy Communion                           Whitwell

Sunday 8th May                                       Easter 3

  9.00                   Holy Communion                                    Bossall

10.30                   Holy Communion                                    Sand Hutton

 6.30                    Taize Evening Prayer                             Howsham

Wed 11th May – 10am Holy Communion                         Buttercrambe


Sunday 15th May                                               Easter 4/ Christian Aid Week

10.30                   Benefice Eucharist & Baptism                Flaxton    

Wed 18th May – 10am Holy Communion                          Sand Hutton

Sunday 22nd May                                              Easter 5

 9.00                    Holy Communion                                    Upper Helmsley

10.30                   Holy Communion                                    Crambe

10.30                   Holy Communion                                    Foston

 6.30                    Evening Worship                                     Flaxton

Wed 25th May – 10am Holy Communion                          Flaxton


Sunday 29th May                                               Easter 6 / Rogation

10.30                   Festival Benefice Eucharist                  Gate Helmsley


June 2011

Wed 1st June – 10am Holy Communion                           Upper Helmsley


ASCENSION DAY – Thursday 2nd  June

7.00pm                Benefice Eucharist                                    Whitwell


Sunday 5th June                                                Easter 7

10.30                   Benefice Eucharist                                   Buttercrambe

Wed 8th June – 10am Holy Communion                           Howsham


Sunday 12th June                                              FEAST OF PENTECOST

 9.00                    Holy Communion       BCP                     Bossall

10.30                   Holy Communion                                    Sand Hutton

10.30                   Family Communion                                 Flaxton

Wed 15th June – 10am Holy Communion                       Whitwell


Sunday 19th June                                              TRINITY SUNDAY

10.30                   Benefice Eucharist                                   Foston

Wed 22nd June – 10am Holy Communion                      Bossall


Sunday 26th June                                              Trinity 1

 9.00                    Holy Communion                                    Upper Helmsley

10.30                   Festival Benefice Service                        Crambe    

 6.30                    Evening Service                                      Flaxton

Wed 29th June – 10am Holy Communion                      Gate Helmsley


July 2011

Sunday 3rd July                                                 St Peter

10.30                   Benefice Eucharist                                   Sand Hutton

Wed 6th July – 10am Holy Communion                            Crambe


Sunday 10th July                                               Trinity 3

 9.00                    Holy Communion                                    Whitwell

10.30                   Holy Communion                                    Buttercrambe

10.30                   Family Service & Baptism                     Gate Helmsley

10.30                   Family Service & Baptism                     Flaxton

Wed 13th July – 10am Holy Communion                          Foston


Sunday 17th July                                               Trinity 4

10.30                   Benefice Eucharist                                   Howsham

Wed 20th July – 10am Holy Communion                          Buttercrambe


Sunday 24th July                                               Trinity 5

 9.00                    Holy Communion                                    Upper Helmsley

10.30                   Holy Communion                                    Crambe

10.30                   Holy Communion & Baptism                 Foston

Wed 27th July – 10am Holy Communion                          Sand Hutton

Sunday 31st July                                                Trinity 6

10.30                   Benefice Eucharist & Baptism                Bossall

Wed 3rd Aug – 10am Holy Communion                            Howsham

Sunday 3rd August                                            Trinity 7

10.30                   Benefice Eucharist                                  Whitwell

Wed 10th Aug – 10am Holy Communion                          Flaxton

Greetings from the Vicarage,

Ten years ago I did a five day trek over the Andes to Machu Picchu, the mysterious Inca city. It was a time of great learning, not just about the ancient civilisation, but also about me!


The physical challenge: I had spent months cycling, speed walking and hill climbing in order to be ready for the rigors ahead. I was even taken to the top of the north pier tower at the Humber Bridge as part of my preparation! A visit to the surgery to get my injections up to date, ensuring I had sufficient medication for the head, the tummy, the skin, the feet etc.


In the end the training was completed, well sort of! I had my bag packed and it was time to get to Peru. It was an amazing trip and I loved it! I made a lot of money for charity too!

What went wrong? The usual, tummy upset (that irresistible fresh fruit), a couple of the co trekkers falling out, programme planning going to pot that meant we had an 11 hour trip by ‘local’ bus. Hey, that was great, I have never shared a bus with a cockerel eyeing me up from the seat in front, the on board entertainment were blood thirsty films in Spanish as well as the occasional child hopping on and giving us a song then coming round with his cap! No loo, just one stop outside a brick wall with a hole and bucket. Yes great!

The unusual? Pitching camp on a mountain stream, being asked to dance at altitude and worst of all – and I hate to admit this, but I forgot to take any underwear on the trek! Let’s move on!


The point is, the trip gave me so many things to experience and ponder. 10 years on I am still benefiting from it.


Journeys do that – they give us more than we know. Our life is a journey, and people of faith have a word for their journey through life – Pilgrimage. It is a journey with a spiritual focus, where we learn new things along the way, where we travel with and learn from our companions. This idea of Pilgrimage is one that I will be coming back to and exploring further as it really does enhance our experience and fulfilment of life and faith.


Perumight not have been a Pilgrimage, but I certainly learnt a lot!


Very best wishes to you all as you journey on through life.

Ivan Howitt– Sand Hutton Vicarage


As you know the boxes that everyone so kindly donated gifts for were much appreciated by those seamen who were so far from home at Christmas. Below is a photograph of some of those boxes being deliveredto a Russian Scrap metal ship,

Other ships that received your gifts were M/v Tharsis, Pride of Verre, Willeke, Mekanic, Necton, Wieke D, Norrfury, Blue Dragon, RMS Lagona plus the P&O ferries.







Benefice Council

Honorary Treasurer

Richard Wheway has decided to step down from his role as Honorary Treasurer to the Benefice. We are very grateful to Richard for the assiduous and meticulous way he has managed the Benefice accounts for the last few years, and previously those of St Mary’s Sand Hutton PCC. Richard has also played a prominent advisory role as a co-opted member of the Benefice Council.

We are pleased that David Fletcher has already taken up the role of Benefice Treasurer to replace Richard. We look forward to welcoming David to his first meeting of the Benefice Council, which will be held at Holderness House, Claxton, on Tuesday 10th May at 7.30 pm. Anyone wishing to contribute to the agenda for this meeting should send items to the Honorary Secretary, Raymond Barry, ray@jobarrytextile.co.uk, telephone 01757 288278.

David Fletcher’s contact details are:

Old School House, Gate Helmsley, Y41 1NL

Tel: 01759 371513     email: davidfletcher165@hotmail.com

Benefice Choir

The Benefice Choir will be taking part in the United Benefice Communion Service at St Peter’s Church Upper Helmsley on Palm Sunday and also in the Last Hour Meditation Service at St Mary’s Church Sand Hutton on Good Friday.


Sadly our Choirmaster, Peter Stott, has decided to resign from the post from Good Friday, 22nd April. Members of the choir will be very sorry to lose Peter. Since he and Ellen moved into the area, Peter has worked tirelessly to develop the choir and so to enhance the quality of music at our church services. We know that the congregations appreciate what Peter has done: we have heard so often at the end of a United Benefice service how much members of the congregation have enjoyed listening to and singing with the choir.


We send our best wishes to Peter and Ellen for the future.


The immediate future for the Benefice Choir is precarious, but we do hope to be able to regroup at some point, especially to support services for Church Festivals. If there is anyone who can help us out, we would be grateful; please contact Reverend Ivan Howitt.




25 years!

Ivan HowittPriest-in-Charge

celebrates 25 years

 since his ordination in1986.

there will be a special

United Benefice Service

at St Mary’s Church, Sand Hutton

on Sunday July 3rd



Following the service there will be a ‘Bring and Share’ lunch in Sand Hutton and Claxton village hall to celebrate with Ivan and Valerie, family and friends.

If you are able to attend please inform your local church warden by June 6th






Congratulations and good wishes to those who were married recently


St Mary’s Church, Sand Hutton


12th February              Owen Wilson / Samantha Hogarth 

15th April                     Christopher John Wilson / Helen Rebecca Geldart







Our condolences to the families and friends of




Mrs Blundellof Howsham whose funeral was held at Westow

Mrs Hallwho had connections with Howsham

Mrs Midgleyof Howsham.

                    The latter two services were held in Howsham.


We commend them into God’s gracious keeping













St Michael’s Church,  Crambe






Would you be willing to sponsor the church for a day?

the cost of running our 1000 year old church for

one day is £15


commemorate a special day in the year

a christening, a wedding, an anniversary

or the death of a loved one.


Having chosen a day you may like to choose a hymn,

a prayer or a reading for the church service nearest to that day


please contact Dorothy Martin

Pilgrim’s Cottage, Crambe York YO60 7JR

Tel: 01653 619133
















                     Pipe Up!

St Mary’s Gate Helmsley Centenary                 Organ Restoration Fund


The two manual + pedals pipe organ built by Abbott and Smith (Leeds) was installed in

St Mary’s Church Gate Helmsley towards the end of 1913.  Apart from the addition of an electric blower, the organ has had no major work done since.  Almost 100 years old, the instrument is becoming increasingly difficult, and expensive, to maintain.

The Diocesan Organ Advisor has given his opinion that the organ is worthy of restoration and we now have reports and estimates for the work from 3 organ builders.

The PCC has agreed that we will restore the organ rather than replace it with a digital instrument.  Naturally, the cost will be considerable and depends in part on whether we restore it to the original condition or make some modest changes to improve the overall sound.

A fundraising group has been established with an initial target of £45000.  We hope that by the actual centenary date we will have raised sufficient to assure the future of one of a diminishing number of pipe organs in churches.

The first event in our fundraising effort is the Flower Festival – “In Praise of Music” to be held over the last bank holiday weekend in May (see separate notice).  We are sure that this will be a spectacular event and look forward to your support for this and for our whole fundraising venture.

Donations payable to “St Mary’s Gate Helmsley PCC” and marked “Organ Fund” can be sent to the PCC treasurer: K Potts, Apple Tree House, The Lane, Gate Helmsley, York YO41 1JT


For more information about the organ or the Restoration Fund, please contact Michael Harran (01759 372215).




Around the Parishes……………………………



News views and information from:




Our combined parish (Bossall with Buttercrambe and Howsham) held its Annual Parochial Church Meeting on the 15th March and - surprise, surprise - the current Church Officers were re-appointed.  Our thanks were again due to all our supporters in financial and other ways but perhaps a special mention needs to be made of the 'unsung' work of Peter (churchyard) and Anne (church interior) Locker resulting in a clean building in a lovely setting.


The new boiler and shed is now to hand and will be installed and working before the heat is required in the autumn.  It should be more efficient and helped by an independent survey of the fuel prices - less costly than the old boiler.


The stonework repairs to which reference has been made should also be completed before the next Circular so that the only major foreseeable expense is the long term reconditioning of the Organ - about which more later.


Lastly, we have a volunteer on our electoral roll - Mrs Christine Keller who has kindly undertaken a survey of the Churchyard which will comply with the Church requirements and will help in bringing together all the plot placings and burial records.  Many thanks to Mrs Keller.




The warmer weather finally arrived. In fact it came charging in  prompting a general reviving of lawn mowers, an excess of pink knees and birds carrying twigs. Prize for the first wearer of shorts went to Mike Le Masurier (28th January). However an objection was lodged by David Cole on the grounds that as Mike was on a beach in Australia at the time it didn’t count, thus he was immediately disqualified and the prize was awarded to D. Cole.

Our big news is that our plea for extra funds from English Heritage was sympathetically considered and our grant substantially increased. The bats helpfully decided to wake early from hibernation and, after due consideration, decided that they were amenable to work starting. As I write the church is clad in scaffolding outside and vast amounts of plastic sheeting inside, and various experts are chipping away at the stone work and will shortly be replacing the nave slates which are now stacked on the ground. If this sounds breathless, work must be completed before baby bat season is upon us. Once the nave roof repairs are complete work will start on the chancel, this latter work being funded by the Church Commissioners. Hopefully by the end of the summer our beautiful old church will be restored to its former glory.

A coffee morning held in Barton Le Willows village hall on March 5th raised a creditable £382. The efforts of all those who took part, and who came, are much appreciated.

We now look forward to a blissful long hot summer with plenty of rain (at night only!!)

Many thanks, as ever, to Ivan, Sister, Rachel and Tony and all who take part in the life of our two communities. We hope you all had a very happy Easter.




How good to have the Benefice service in Flaxton on Mothering Sunday when the village was at its bonniest, glowing with daffodils. Ida prepared delightful posies for the ladies and we were reminded of Mother church as well as our own mothers. One posy was placed on the altar in memory of mothers no longer with us in our homes. Well done to the children who took part, reading prayers and performing the story of Moses in the bulrushes - a poignant story of mothering.

In Flaxton we are fortunate to have some good musicians to lead from time to time a group of us who love singing. We enjoyed a few sessions together getting ready some carols for Christmas services, and decided to start up again in early Spring to put together a concert programme. We'll be performing a dozen or so songs ranging from spirituals to folk songs, madrigals to church music on Friday, May 6th at 7.30pm. in church. There will also be a few wind instrumental pieces. You would be most welcome to come along to listen; a free concert and then a glass of wine. Donation plate by the door for church funds if we were worth it!!


Our programme of informal Sunday evening worship continues after the Easter rest on the fourth Sunday in May, the 22nd, when a chaplain from Full Sutton Prison will visit us. I'm sure she will be very interesting.




Hello from everyone at All Saints.

We all enjoyed a delicious coffee morning recently which was well attended by our loyal supporters. The word must be spreading about the wonderful choice of homemade cakes on offer and hot drinks. If you haven’t had chance to join us don’t worry as there are further coffee mornings organised for Saturday 4th of June and Saturday 6th of August, both 10.30- 12.00 at The Village Hall Thornton-Le-Clay, all proceeds in aid of Foston Church. Free entrance and only 50 pence for a big slice of cake (what a bargain ).

Thankfully Spring now seems to be here and our church yard is looking well cared for and full of summer colour potential, many thanks to Alan Pickard who works so hard at keeping it all in order. As we go to press we will soon be celebrating the Easter time with a service on Good Friday, at 10.30am. This is a lovely service to bring younger children to and we would love to see you all.


Spring blossoms:The village has been looking particularly attractive over recent weeks, with good weather to enjoy the emerging spring flowers and blossom. We are very grateful to the Parish Council for their efforts over the last two years in planting so many daffodils along the grass verges. They really do enhance the appearance of the village and have been commented on by visitors. Sadly, the flowers are, in some places, vulnerable to damage by car wheels. There has been some damage to the bulbs behind the churchyard; the churchwardens ask that visitors to the church take care when parking on the Back Lane so as not to damage the daffodils or impede the flow of traffic. Wherever possible, please use the Village Hall car park.

Church kneelers:On Sunday 10th April we had a very uplifting Communion Service during which Reverend Ivan Howitt dedicated our new altar kneelers. These had been donated by the Rowntree family in memory of their parents, George and Beryl Rowntree, who were loyal members of St Mary’s Church for many years. The kneelers were beautifully made by relatives and friends of the Rowntrees from Dunnington. The PCC are very grateful for the donation. The kneelers will keep George and Beryl in our memories. We had a full church for the service, coming from far and near, several from as far afield as Canada. We all enjoyed coffee and cake and a good chat after the service.

School service:On 7th April, we were pleased to welcome the children and staff of Sand Hutton School, who held their end-of-term Easter service in St Mary’s Gate Helmsley. The congregation of parents and grandparents filled the church and we enjoyed a wonderful traditional presentation of the Easter story. All the children had a part to play in the service and it was lovely to watch the youngest ones in a scene that explained the meaning of the Easter egg as a representation of new life and as the stone over the entrance to Christ’s tomb. Sister Margaret Ann led the prayers. The school children will also be enhancing our Flower Festival 27th to 30th of May. They will present their own interpretation in flowers of the Festival title “In Praise of Music”.

Recent fund raising:Our thanks are due to the Podmores and Potts for providing a splendid parish lunch in the village hall on 27th March. This raised just short of £700 for church funds. Thank you to all those who helped with food, raffle prizes and floral decorations and to Capt Dick Garnons-Williams for running the raffle. Thank you also to Dick for the soup and cheese lunch on 16th February and the Lent Lunch on 23rd March.

Churchyard ornaments: A gentle reminder to those who tend the graves of loved ones in Gate Helmsley Churchyard. We do realize the importance of the graves as places where we can remember and venerate those relatives we have lost. However, there are Diocesan rules to be followed; the ornaments and figures on the graves must be in keeping with the surroundings and with the consecrated nature of the churchyard.  Thank you for your continuing co-operation in this matter.




Our wonderful new heating system has been efficiently installed, by Messrs Byfield of Wetherby - and paid for. We are also re-ordering of the interior and new carpets – to enable us to hold small functions.


Over 30 Army Cadets (masterminded by Jim Stephenson & team) have made a marvellous job of clearing and levelling the Churchyard.





By hanging a bauble on the Christmas Tree in Sand Hutton Church to "Remember Loved Ones Past and Present" the sum of £194 was raised.

The large tree in the corner of the church looked beautiful hung with all the baubles, each one labelled with the name of the loved one to be remembered.
Thank you to all those who bought baubles.

"Gifts for Christmas" in the village Hall at Sand Hutton in November raised £2201.95 for St. Mary's Church Sand Hutton.
Remember this years date ........... it's November 5th!!!!!

The Spring Fashion Show by Meadow of Whitby, held on April 6th at Sandburn Hall was sold out!! 198 ladies and two men! filled the room, and with 8 models on the catwalk, each with 9 changes, a lot of clothes were seen!!
The £2000 plus raised is to be divided between St. Mary's Church Sand Hutton and Macmillan Cancer Support.


The Rose Singers Concert. We are grateful for all those who supported this evening. A nett total of £416.00 was raised, being equally shared between St Mary's and Sand Hutton Schools ‘Wild Life Garden Project'.

Lost property!
After The Rose Singers Concert, left in church, (it is thought),one pair of glasses, also a silver type ear ring was found outside  the church,perhaps from a recent wedding or funeral service.            Please ring 01904 468809






Whitwell and Crambe PCC meeting held in Queensland

A meeting of the two PCC’s was held at Marcus Beach Queensland in early March. It was attended by Mike and Fiona Le Masurier and Stewart and Linda Walker. Much discussion took place, nothing was decided except ……..to have another beer!

By lucky coincidence Stewart and Linda, and Mike and Fiona found themselves in the same place at the same time on the other side of the globe, enabling them to have a very enjoyable weekend together. Stewart and Linda were on an extended holiday driving round the eastern side of Australia in campervan

Earlier in their trip whilst Mike and Fiona were in Sydney they met up with another Crambe resident Carol Hanson who was there staying with family who lived almost opposite Mike and Fiona’s family!




A very big thank you to everyone who came to the ceilidh. It proved to be a very successful evening and raised £492 for the village hall funds.


Future events



Sunday June 12th


Entry forms will be circulated round the village. Voting forms and maps will be available in the village hall from 10.30 a.m. until 3.45 p.m. at a cost of £1 for each adult, children under 14 years will be free, and will include a cup of tea/orange juice and biscuits. The three best scarecrows will receive a prize and the results will be announced at 4.15 p.m. Hopefully we will have lots of entries, a sunny day, and a fun day will be had by all.



July 24th

At Whinfield, The Lane

Gate Helmsley


For further information

contact Lorraine Thirsk 01759 373052




News from our schools…………………………….




I hope everyone had a great Easter Holiday and enjoyed the weather. We are now ready to enjoy a very busy, but fun summer term.

The junior children enjoyed a topic on the Tudors and Stuarts and we welcomed Chris Cade into school to portray a Royalist Officer and lead drama sessions with both classes.  We were also lucky to have Amy Sapwell, a student teacher in school who worked in the junior class. The juniors also took part in a skipping workshop alongside Terrington School. The infants were taking a trip around the world in their geography topic and enjoyed role playing a travel agents. They made visits to Sheriff Hutton Castle, hope Central in Malton to learn about the Easter Story and to Terrington Primary School for an Easter Craft day.


Thank you to all those who supported the Easter Fair at which we raised £280 towards our school fund.


This term we are looking forward to a topic on the circus for EYFS KS1 and will be watching a circus performer in school and taking part in a circus skills workshop. The children are also going to travel on a steam train and take part in a mock royal wedding at Terrington Church. The juniors are looking forward to a residential to Edinburgh alongside Terrington Juniors.


On Wednesday, 13th July we will be holding a celebration of a year of partnership with Terrington Primary School. The children will enjoy a day of activities followed by a barbecue in the evening for parents and friends. Further details to follow.


It is with great pleasure that I can tell you that Foston now has 23 children on roll and is quickly reaching capacity. If you have a child nearing school age please let us know so we can add their name to our lists. Transport is available from Flaxton and Barton Le Willows and we accept children in school from the term they reach 4 years old.
















The Methodist Church Thornton –le-Clay


A Fellowship/ Bible study group meets once a fortnight at Wold Cottage, Thornton-le-Clay from 8.0 p.m. to 10.0 p.m. (approx). These are informal, non-denominational meetings including readings, discussions and prayer followed by refreshments.

The next meetings will be on Wednesday 11th May, and fortnightly thereafter.


Anyone interested is most welcome to join us, just turn up, or ring 01653 618452 or 01904 794626 for more details


Church Services

Sunday  May 1st                                9.00 a.m.                     Rev.G Walton-Pratt

Sunday  May 8th                            10.00 a.m.                   Mr V Paylor

Sunday  May15th                              9.00 a.m.                     Mr R Jackson

Sunday  May 22nd                          10.00 a.m.                   Holy Communion

                                                                                                Rev P Doble

Sunday   May 29th                             9.00 a.m.                     Mrs J Kidman

Sunday  June 5th                                9.00 a.m.                     Holy Communion

                                                                                                Revd Graham Peaden

Sunday  June 12th                            10.30 a.m.                   Mrs L Johnstone

Sunday  June 19th                              9.00 a.m.                     Mr Willian Swiers

Sunday  June  26th                           10.30 a.m.                   Mr B Taylor


Services at Thornton-le-Clay Methodist Church are usually held at 9.00 a.m. on the first and third Sunday and at 10.30 a.m. on the second, fourth

and fifth Sunday of each month


All welcome to any of the above services

Christening – May 21st         Wedding July9th


Parish Prayer Box


You might not feel able, or want to pray, but if you would like prayers said for you, or a situation worrying you, or someone you are concerned about, or you just want to give thanks for something, you can leave a note or card in the ‘Prayer Box’

This will be situated on the side of Thornton-le-Clay Parish notice board from the beginning of February 2011. The box will be emptied weekly and prayers said.


Every prayer request will be kept confidential




     more news from Howsham woods……….          


Mr French Partridge and Mr Squirrel met by chance on a footpath between their respective Parishes of Sand Hutton and Howsham. Expressing surprise at finding Squirrel so far from home, Mr Partridge was told that this was a special journey, rather than a routine stroll. Squirrel was seeking first hand knowledge of what the PCC were up to behind the church. Aided and abetted by English Heritage and Sand Hutton school’s pupils. ‘It’s the trees that I’m keeping an eye on’, he confided. ‘Doesn’t matter to me what happens to the old church site, it’s just the trees that I watch‘. The Partridge confessed his disinterest in the scheme, which is running later than envisaged and likely to be next year before completed. ‘My covey occasionally uses it as a safe and sheltered overnight roosting place; the grass is kept tidy so that nothing can creep up unseen, but left long enough to give shelter when we all flatten down for the night. Not only that - but it’s done on something called a tax efficient basis also; I think that means it‘s warmer. And I expect they’ll continue to cut it when it‘s all finished, but it will be next year, so there’s plenty of time to think out our best moves.’ ‘But what about that great big stone thing that children are designing?’ asked Squirrel. He was assured this was nothing more than a small, engraved plaque that was being produced recording the event when the work is completed. ‘It would have been done by now’ Mr Partridge informed, ‘but the architect has been away in America.’ ‘Where’s America?’ asked  Squirrel? ‘Is it towards Malton?’ The only thing about Sand Hutton church in which Mrs Dormouse expressed interest is their central heating. She had heard nothing but good reports and was thinking of transferring her allegiance, especially if the Crambe quota was raised any more and could no longer afford the heating..














YorkMusical Society

an uplifting summer concert

Haydn’s Creation

in York Minster

On Saturday 11th June at 7.30pm


with soloists Julie Kennard, David Webb and Michael George


tickets for this event range in price from £8 - £18

available from York Minster Box Office -  telephone: 0844 939 0015;

 email: boxoffice@yorkminster.org; online: www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org


 The choirs of York Minster and York Musical Society, under Minster Director of Music Robert Sharpe, will join together to sing Haydn’s The Creation, a work which has a special place in the affections of all choral societies. Of The Creation, one of the most joyful and life-affirming choral works ever written, Haydn wrote in 1802: ‘A secret voice whispered to me, “There are in this world so few happy and contented people; sorrow and grief follow them everywhere; perhaps your labour will become a source in which the man bowed down by care . . . will for a while find peace and rest”.’



                   St Mary’s Church, Sand Hutton


                w w w wSPONSORED BIKE RIDE w w w w


Bank Holiday Monday 30th May


                 Chosen route is approximately 10miles along country lanes.

Villages include

Buttercrambe, Bossall, Harton, Bosall (again),

Claxton and return to Sand Hutton.


Please follow the printed signs.

Crash helmets should be worn.

Fancy dress optional!   Drinks and biscuits en route.


Sponsor forms available from Bryan Mills (01759 372601) during May.

No ‘steep’ hills. Please note this is not a race. Everyone is welcome to join us  

All proceeds for church funds.

                     Please meet at Sand Hutton Church Gate at 2.00 pm.

















       Request from Yorkshire Water

  Following a problem over the last few weeks

                       in Sand Hutton

         Yorkshire Water have asked

                if we could remind people


not to flush unsuitable items down the drains !   


"wet - wipes" ( which do not break up )

                                cotton buds and cooking fats.

                   Cooking fat should be allowed to cool and be put in the dust bin .

                    All these kinds of items can block drains and sewers which can              

result in very unpleasant flooding !

        For more information please contact www.yorkshirewater.com 







































Late spring and early summer is an exciting time for gardeners, the following may strike a chord:

My Garden

My garden is a lovesome thing

God wot!

Rose plot

Fringed pool

Ferned grot –

The veriest school of peace;

and yet the fool contends that

God is not –

not God! In gardens! when the

eve is cool?

Nay, but I have a sign;

tis very sure God walks in mine.

                                Thomas Edward Brown 1830-189



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      Items for ‘The Circular’


       Copy deadline for the next edition Saturday July 16th

  This will cover August   September  October


      Please could you send all entries via e mail to                          

      churchmouse@crambe.net. Unfortunately it may not be

  possible to include anything received after that date.



                                                                 ‘Circular’ Parish Co-ordinators


          Bossall                             Kathy Fawcett                     01904 468355

          Buttercrambe                   Anne Archer                        01759 371058

          Crambe                             Mike Le Masurier               01653 619368

          Flaxton                             Wendy Holman                  01653 618886

          Foston                              Linda Fothergill                 01904 468760

          Gate Helmsley                 Anne Podmore                   01759 372320

          Howsham                         Judy Stephenson                01653 618673

          Thornton-Le-Clay          Sylvie Diggle                      01653 618334

          Upper Helmsley             Jane Herbert                        01759 371310

          Claxton/Sand Htn           Anne White                         01904 468550



                                           Advert Co-ordinator

                                               Judy Stephenson



      Contact numbers for

         Sand Hutton and Whitwell Group of Parishes


               Parish Priest:  Rev Ivan Howitt                       01904 468844

              Parish Sister:  Sister Margaret Ann CSPH      01904 468253

              Reader: Mr Tony Hewitt                                  01904 632684

              Lay Pastor: Mrs Rachel Baker                         01904 468809




       Fiona Le Masurier

       Crambe House, Crambe, York YO60 7JR

        Tel: 01653 619368      Email: churchmouse@crambe.net

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