The Benefice Choir
The four-part Benefice choir leads congregational singing at most Benefice Services (2 or 3 Sundays / month), occasional choral evensongs and special services. The choir is also building on its already established repertoire of short anthems.
Rehearsals are held in St Mary's Church Sand Hutton, generally twice a month on Thursday evenings from 7 - 8pm (Check the Calendar section for updates).
If you are interested in joining the choir or would like further information, please contact Peter Stott ( / 01904 468404).
We are particularly keen to recruit sopranos and basses!
Other musical interests:
Most of the churches have an organ (of one sort or another!) and some of these can be made available for aspiring or accomplished organists to use for practice. Please contact one of the churchwardens if you would like to discuss this.
Several of the churches have small peals of bells. There is a fine complete set of handbells. Contact the relevant churchwardens for more information.
Several musical events take place throughout the year - for information about these see The Circular or the Events page on this website.