This section of our website is the place to find events for young people - from babies to teens
We bid farewell and heartfelt thanks to Rachael Harrison who is relinquishing her role as our Children and Youth Worker from
1 March 2025
For the past 5 years Rachael has headed up a team of volunteers. She was instrumental in getting 'The Aubergine Operations' off the ground (and on the ground in the Benefice allotment enterprise!). With her team she has organised 'Play and Pray' for pre-school children, Messy Church and All Age Worship sessions and formed links with the Summer Clubs. She also established a Families and Carers Facebook page. The Benefice is looking at ways to continue Rachael's good work - so keep a watch on this section of the website.
Children and Youth - a message from Rachael
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At the bottom of this page are links to:
Messy Church
Play & Pray
The Hope Club (online)
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on our website